Tuesday, 20 December 2011

How Do you test a Webservice?

This is a basic thing every integration resource should be aware of. This article is for those who are new to Siebel EAI Webservices.
Here  I assume that an Workflow Process has been deployed as a webservice and you have the Seiebel WSDL ready with you.

In order to test this WSDL you need to have a tool like SOAPUI.Create a new project by importing the WSDL.On importing the WSDL you would get the XML structure which gives you an idea on Input Data expected. Provide the necessary data and click on the "Green" Button on the top to start testing the webservice.

Please note webservices can be successfully tested only if the Siebel Applicaiton is up and running else it would throw error like "Experiencing Difficulty"

What are application Parameters?

Application Parameters are basically the values whose value may vary from environement to environment.
Applicaiton Parameters are created to change the values dynamically instead of hardcoding the values into the Code/Configuration. Hardcoding the values would make the system unstable on moving the Repositiry from Dev to Test and Test to Production environments.

Having application Parameters is a good Practice to imrove the user friendliness of application.These parametes can be changed at any time and by any user wih necessary access without bouncing the server and thus improving the deployment.

How do we extract Database?

Database Extraction is a primary thing for any develoepr before he starts working on the Local DB.
In order to extract the Database for a Particular User ID say "DEV" then this Id needs to be added under the Siebel Remote Client-Mobile Clients,
Need to mention the Routing Model as "Mobile Client-Extract Only"(SADMIN credentials are required)
Once you are done with these changes you need to generate the database Template to start the Database Extract Job.
1 Go To Admin Server Management-Jobs
2.Create a new Job and chose the Component as "Generate New Database"
3.Submit The Job and wait for the Job the to be successful(takes some time)
4.Once the above job is successful,create a new Job and chose the Component as "Database Extract"
5.Scroll Down and add the below Parameters
Client Name - DEV
Extract all Repository Tables -TRUE
submit  the Job and wait for the completion
6.Once you are done with the above jobs ,try to connect your Tools(your system) to the "Local" database and Click Yes on the "Intilize Database" message you would see....
This would sync with the Server , and Local DB would be created under the "Siebel/Tools/Local

Suuccessful DB intilization would allow you to CHECK IN/CHECK OUT your code/config

Unable to open the thick Client in local System?

This is a common error which is faced by those who are new to Siebel.
This can be fixed by making few parameters change in the CFG file under BIN folder.
There are 2 parameters...

Initial Value of these parameters are ..
RemoteSearchServerPath   = $(FulcrumHost)/tcp$(FulcrumPort)
EnableFQDN               = True

Please change these parameter vlaues to
RemoteSearchServerPath   = localhost
EnableFQDN               = false

Please modify these values and restart your local client!

what is a proxy business Service ?

Proxy Business Services are the Business services which are created by importing an externally provided WSDL(Webservices Description Language).Proxy Business Service defintion would not exist in Siebel.The definition/Functionality would be defined in the external system which provided the WSDL.The external application can make changes to this Business Service/Code.

This Business Service can be written in any language which is supported by the external System.
This proxy business Service created would have refrence in the Siebel Tools as well as in the Application side under Outbound Webservices.
To make any calls to the external system you need to map the Data in siebel to the Data type defined in the Proxy business Service(Data Maps are used)