Friday, 4 November 2011

Siebel Localization..Part2

What is siebel Localization?Why Do we need to localize Siebel ?Where do we need this concept?
Localization as the name itslef suggests is all about the Local Language implementation on Siebel. By using the Concpet if Localization its possible to Deploy the Siebel application in your Local Language.For eg. Its possible to Deploy Siebel in "Hindi" or "Spanish" or any other language by means of Localization. Localization is a very interesting topic under siebel. Localization concept would be used wherin the English Language is not Supported.

In order to implement the Localization you need to make use of the Symbolic Strings Concept effectively. Symbolic Strings is the base for implemting the Localization Concept.
The new language would be added under the Symbolic Strings and the equivalent value from the Local Language would be provided.For the localization we need to have the Langauge added in the Siebel Local Database instance before we change the Tools Language From English to the Required Language.
Once we are done with language changes we need to make changes accrodingly to the Directory Structure,CFG file to point to the new directoty,language settings,Compiler Settings.

Continued ... 

Siebel Interview Preparation Guide

Siebel Interview Preparation Guide
To help you guys to prepare better for Siebel Config/Admin/EAI interview I am giving few tips.
Hope these tips are helpful..

Resume would be your first face before you go face to face with the Interviewer.Please keep your resume as simple as possible.
Do not write stories which would make your Resume looklike a Textbook rather than having the Skill Set.
I have seen resumes going for around 10 pages but to be honest no Interviewer has patience to read your Stories.
Please dont Mention Created Applet,Create Join,Created Link under the Projects you have worked.This is really senseless thing that
has been observed.Employees do a Cut and Paste with few wording Changes under the "Role in the Project";again This is a page filling Technique that we used to do while explaining Diagrams in Semester Exams:)

-Skills in Your Resume
Please be specific about what you have worked and what not?

 Configuration Skills:
-Business Components/Business Objects
-Impilcit/Explicit Joins
-Symbolic STrings/Symbolic URLs
-Siebel Localization Concept
-Table Extension /Table Creation
-WorkFlows-Runtime Events/Policies/Actions/Database Triggers

Adminsitration Skills: -Siebel Installation/Siebel Server/Webserver Installation and Configuration on Windows/Unix/Linux???
-Repository Migration/DDLSynup
-SRF migration
-Jobs Monitoring
-Data Refresh Activities
-Access Montoring/Security
-Infrastructure setup for Developers/Local Database Extractions
-Deployment Package Creation

Enterprise Application Integration:
-Siebel Integration Objects/External Integration Objects
-Webservices-Inbound/Outbound Webservices
-Debuggin/EAI Value Maps
-Workflows/IOs/Instance Monitoring
-Debugging Skills in Live Environemnt
-Webservices Testing Skills
-Webservice Security Implemnetation
-Siebel Transports-HTTP/MQ/JMS
-Debugging Webservices
-Siebel Adapters-EAI Siebel Adapter

Domain Experince:  -Telecom/Loyalty/Finance/Sales etc
Certification Details-Please add if you have done any certification

Project Experince:
Brief about the Project and your role.In addition add What was special in the Project?
       Role :Configuration/Integration/Migration Specialist??
       Please try to be more specific on your role here

2.Now How do we Prepare for the Skills mentioned ??

Configuration: 1.Just Go through the Configuration PPTs you have.

2.You may Say I have gone throgh 20 times why should I go through the PPts  again.

3.But going through the PPTs would give you the Picturization of  
Architecture/DataModeleEntities etc.

4.There is a PDF under Siebel Bookshelf DevDep.pdf.Please go through this pdf this would defintely help you a lot.

5.Then Comes the ConfigApps.PDF which is an essential for any Configuration Person before he goes for an interview

6.If you want Workflows then go throgh BusinessProcess.pdf

7.If you have gone thorgh the above all PDFs and PPts then I guarantee You that have the maximum Probabilty of Clearing.

Eanterprise Application Integration:
1.Once Again Please go throgh all the Config PPts

2.Thorougly go throgh all the EAI PPts

3.There are 4 EAI.pdfs.Its tough to go throgh all and most of the time all the four are not relevent for your skills hence Identify the one which is best suitable for you

4.Webservices-Please Take few examples of WSDLs and thoroghly study the major sections of the WSDL

5.Learn about the Webservices In depth as there would be multiple Questions in this area

6.Go throgh BusinessProcess.pdf for Worklflows Theory.

7.Vanilla Business Services provided by Siebel and the properties

8.XML Concepts

9.Logging mechanisms

10.Debugging worklflows

11.Creating ".dmp" files for the webservices to capture the outgoing message and incoming message in the local thick Client

Hope this would be helpful in one or other way.

Siebel EAI Interview Questions

Here I am sharing few Verygood Questions which would cover most of the areas under EAI.Hope this would be helpful

-Explain the Integration architecture?
-What are the EAI value Maps ?
-Diffrenece b/w runtime Events and worklfow policies?
-Whay do we need Database Triggers?
-Why do we need the Worklfow Monitor Agent?
-What is the Diffrence b/w Workflow Process Manager and Monotir Agent ?
-How do you debug a worklfow in a live environment ?
-What do you mean by Process Property and where do we use them?
-What are the various integration Techniques available in siebel?
-What is the difference betwen Siebel repository and SRF file ?
-Is it possible to Deploy and Activate the workflow Directly to the Application?
-what happens when we clickon the Sychronous Button for an IO?
-Why do we need Integration Objects ?why cant we integrate wihtout having IOs?
-Siebel IO and External IO are the same?
-How do you create an External IO?
-Why do we need Datamaps ?and what are the basic needs to have a Datamap?
-What are the IO user Properties?Exlplain with examples?
-What are webservices?Why do we need them ?
-What is an Inbound Webservice and Outbund Webservice?
-How do you implement Inbound Webservices and Outbound Webservices ?
-How do you achieve "Webservice Security?What are Security mechanisms available in Siebel?
-Can we have a workflow Process as Webservice in Siebel ?If not Why ?
-How do you Deploy a webservice in Siebel?and how do you share the Webservice Details with external Application?
-How do you access External Data from Siebel?
How do you integrate with Siebel?
Exlpain the Basic Needs for any basic integration scenario?

How easy is siebel???

How Easy is Siebel??? Good Question to answer :-)
Siebel is easy when you understand the Siebel Datamodel.

Data Model is the core area of Siebel upon which the Siebel has been Designed.Data Model covers the Table structure/Object Structure.There are approximately 3200 Tables in Siebel.
Unlike any other Java based Applications we don't have to Develop new things like Applet/Screens/Views by means of Scritping.Here in siebel we are doing customization of the Application which has been designed to meet certain Industrial Requirements like Call Centre,HealthCare,Loyalty,Order Management,Sales,Insurance etc....

As part of Customization we might have to customize an Existing Object/extend Column/join/link to meet the requirements. Here customization means it doest't mean that we always work on the Vanilla(Vanilla means OutOfthe Box Objects provided by Siebel). As part of Customization we do have to create new objects to meet requirements.

Siebel is easy when you work on its tough to imagine and expect the same behavior while implementing. Hence I advice to practically work on Siebel Sample Database to learn Siebel. Its highly impossible to learn siebel by just going throgh the Standard PPTs/PDFs.You may know the concept but you will not how this concept works practically.

As you start work on the Siebel you would end up in so many errors which you feel are tough to solve but would be very simple when you have clear undrstanding of Object Definitions like Applet/Object/Join etc?
If you are still not Clear my Blog is here to Help you out :-) you can post your qweries.

So To begin with just go through all the materials that you have collected (ppts/pdfs) and then start practically exploring each concept in you Sample Database.
Siebel is not very tough its you who has to make it simple!!!
Happy Learning Siebel.

Siebel /Salesforce CRM

Siebel CRM

The Leader in the CRM market.Bit complex in implementation and requires experienced proffessionals to run the show.Siebel offers CRM solutions for various industrial verticals with its ready-to-use (with less customization) application.
-Highly Process Oriented
-Higher Implmentation Costs
-Need to buy license to Customize/deploy/Use.

-Moving faster easy to implement.
-Lesser Implementation Cost
-Lesser Process Oriented
-Pay As you Use


Diffrence B/W Siebel Config and Siebel EAI

Any Siebel Implementation can be grouped into 2 basic Parts from the Developer Point
1.Siebel Configuration
2.Siebel Enterprise Application Integration

If you ask me what is siebel Development I would say It would be better to use "Customization" instead of "Development".Yes its the Customization that we have been doing for the ReadyMade Tool/Client. We just make changes to meet the Customer Requirements/Needs.

1.Siebel Configuration
What is siebel Configuration? Siebel Configuration is concerned with the Customization of the Siebel Application Side to meet the Needs.Configuration would cover
-Creating Applets
-Creating Views
-Creating Screens
-Creating Joins
-Defining Links
-Creating Business components
-Creating Business Objects
-Extending Tables/Creating Tables
-Symbolic Strings
These are the few Basic Areas which would come to your mind when you think of Configuration.Under Siebel Configuration we always consider the Application Side Changes.But Siebel Configuration would have great impact on the Integration Side as we would be using the BCs and BOs which have been modified as part of the Configuration process. Any change in the BCs,BOs would directly have an impact on the Integration Objects created.Hence its always mandatory to keep the BCs' and the BOs in sync with IOs.

2.Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
The Siebel EAI Depends on the Configuration part.Under Siebel EAI we would concentrate on the Data Mapping with External Application,What data shared?,Data format ?etc. Application Integration would explore the Siebel functionality to external Application by means of deploying webservices and also it can consume external application WSDL(webservices description Language) and call the External Applciation by means of Proxy Business Services(Business Services would be discussed Later).
Under EAI we would work on
-Integration Objects
-Business Services
-Symbolic URLs
-Siebel Transports
-Siebel Subsystems

Want to Learn Siebel EAI??..Part3

EAI Posting continued.....

2.What kind of Data Shared?
The Data shared is a major issue for any integration.First the Data need to be indentified for the sharing.What Data should be stored and what data not to be shared?. We need to look at
1.Siebel Entities
2.Business Objects
3.Business Components to identify Data Sharing

Identifying the Business Objects and the Business components is very critical for the Data Sharing. The DataSharing in Siebel EAI happens by means of Integration Objects which are used by the EAI Siebel Adapter,DataMaps and other EAI Transports. The Integration Objects are just the reflection of the Business Object and the Business Components hence we need to concentrate more on BO and BC for any Integration Object.

Integration Objects would be discussed in depth in later part of the posting.