Saturday, 5 November 2011

Want to Learn EAI ???..Part4

Continued ....
3.Which is the Target Application- Portal/Java/Mainframe??

In any Siebel Integration Target application plays an important role in implementation.
There are various vanilla Application Service Interfaces(ASIs) provided by Siebel to support applications.Lets have few examples
eg1:Portal -When the Target application is a Portal and expects Data in the form of XML,here data could be exposed by means of an Inbound Webservice.The portal could consume/Import this webservice(WSDL) and map the required xml tags in the Siebel weservice to its fields. The data is trasported by means of HTTP transport calls.

eg2: Mainframe System- When the target Application is a mainframe system then we need to have a middleware for Data movement.Commnly used one for mainframe is IBM MQ series.The Data trasportation is Queue based.The Data arrvies at the Q and then it would be moved to Siebel Application by using "MQ Series Server Trasnport" Subsytem with the help of workflow Dispatch mechanism.

4.Data Movement
Based on the Data Movement webservices are designed.If the Data is going out of Siebel  for a call from external Application then an "Inbound Webservice " could be used. Incase the Trigger is from Siebel and Data comes from an External Application then an Outbound Webservice would be used.

In case of Inbound Webservice an External Applciation would consume/import the WSDL/Webservice provided by Siebel and makes call to access the required Data.
Incase of Outbound Webservice Siebel Consumes/Imports the WSDL provided by the external Application to make calls.On importing the External WSDL,external application Object Structure gets created in Siebel as an Integration Object and a proxy Business Service is created .Siebel Calls this Proxy Business Service to access Data.

5.Data Source
-Data source needs to be finalized
-Data Distribution needs to be indentified
-Its important to identify the Data from External Application which is "JUST TO Be SHOWN" on Siebel and not to be stored.(VBC Concept)

6.What are the Solutions avaliable in Siebel respect to theTarget Application??
The Integration Solutions available in Siebel are below...
-Integration Objects
-Transaport Adapters-MQ Adapter/HTTP Adapter/SAP Adapters/MS MQ
-EAI Workflows
-Virtual Business Components
-External Business Components
-Java Message Service
-Preconfigured ASIs
-Business Services
-File Transports
-COM Interfaces

Basic setup to Start work on Siebel Customization

1.Siebel Tools/Cleint Installed
2.Sisbel Sample Database Installed
3.CFG changes for the Sample/local/Server
4.ODBC Configuration for the Local and Server Database
3.Database Extract for the User
4.Intiilize the local Database for your Tools and Client(One would be fine)
5.Point the Tools and Client to the newly intilized Database.
6.Access the Tools and try to CheckOut a project on Server.
7.Project has been Checked out and ready for customization/Make Changes
8.Provide the Compilatin Settings under Tools
9.Provide the /Public folder path to store the scripts generated
10.Compile the Projects/Launch the thick Client to verify your changes.

Interesting topics in Siebel

Siebel DataModel-Interesting and tough
Virtual Business Components
Siebel Websrvices(APIs)
Siebel Workflows
Business Service Simulator
Workflow Instance Monitor
Localization-Implemting Siebel in Local Language
DataMaps/Value Maps
Debugging Workflows
Siebel Business Services(Scripting)
Siebel Integration Architecture etc..
Integration Objects and XML Concepts from IO perspective