Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Interview Questions-WebServices

-What are webservices?
-What are the different Types of Webservices?
-What is the difference between Business Service and Webservice ?
-Is it possible to convert a business Service into webservice?If yes what are the steps?
-How do you deploy a Webservice ?
-Can we have a Worklfow process as Webservice?If not why ?If yes how do you deploy a workflow as Webservice?
-What is the difference between Inbound/Outbound webservices?
-What are the essentials to create an Outbound webservice?
-How do you configure Outbound wenservices?
-What type of IO gets created on importing a WSDL ?
-What is a WSDL?What does it contain ?
-What are the sections of WSDL? Describe each section?
-Why do we need Inbound and Outbound Webservices ?
-How does an external Applciation access the Siebel ?What are the diffrent techniques available?
-What are the different Objects created on importing a WSDL into Siebel?
-How do you provide a WSDL from siebel to external Application?
-What are secured Webservices ?
-How do you implement webservice security ?
-How do you test webservices ?what are the tools you have used ?
-What is a Proxy Business Service and when do you need a proxy business Service in siebel?
-What are session Based webservices/sessionless webservices?

Few more would be added....

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